ColdFusion Singletons Revisited

My last article on singletons got a few comments on blogs and in email including how it could be improved (thanks Michael) and a few questions. I also omitted the code showing how the singletons were created and called (now added).

So here's the new improved code!


ColdFusion Singletons

Singletons are perhaps one of the most simple Design Patterns. For those who don't know sigletons are a class that can only have one instance. They can be thought of as a glorified global variable - but are a lot more useful.

Most ColdFusion classes, or rather instances of CF components, can be turned in a singleton by placing the following code in your Application.cfm:

view plain print about
1<cfif not structkeyexists(application,<instance name>)>
2        <cfset application.<instance name> = createobject("component",<path to component>)>
3    </cfif>

or OnApplicationStart method of your Application.cfc:

view plain print about
1<cfset application.<instance name> = createobject("component",<path to component>)>
