ColdFusion Simple Friendly URLs
There quite a few methods out there for making search engine and user friendly URLs in ColdFusion eg Spike's Friendly URL servlet or one of the many Apache and IIS URL rewiters.
These are great if your hosting provider has installed them or if you have your own dedicated server. So what do you do if this is not the case or you want to support friendly URLs in a web server agnostic way?
There are two solutions I see:
a) Use absolute URLs on any page you want to access via friendly URLs
b) In Application.cfm (or .cfc) look for URL's containing two .cfm's, change the URL to what it should be and do a server side redirect to go to the correct URL.
I'll have a look into the second option to see how viable is it.
Something like this:
<base href="<cfoutput>http://#cgi.HTTP_HOST##ListDeleteAt(cgi.SCRIPT_NAME, ListLen(cgi.SCRIPT_NAME, '/'), '/')#/</cfoutput>" />
I am a newbee to Coldfusion. How doyou hide the blog id create with CreateUID() function?
You have something like , how did you translate
/2007/3/30/Simple-Friendly-URLs back to blog id and get the details for Simple-Friendly-URLs?
Please help.
Thank you
You can download the code from to see exactly how he does it.
He uses a similar method to that described above I believe.
The 2 parameter of the Right function, which is now 0, must be a positive integer
The error occurred in C:\websites\53511bfb\properties\Application.cfm: line 2
1 : <cfscript>
2 : rhs = right(cgi.PATH_INFO,len(cgi.PATH_INFO)-len(cgi.SCRIPT_NAME));
3 : if (rhs neq "") {
4 : noitems = listLen(rhs,"/");