360|Flex is just around the corner and it's looks like an amazing conference this year, there are more than 50 sessions, a full day of training, birds of a feather mettings and even a code war. Lake a look at the schedule to see this year amazing lineup. I'm going to be speaking at the unconference.
Frameworks Are Bad, OK?
I'll be talking about the dangers of framework use, the issues you run into when using them and reasons NOT to use them. But it's not all bad news, I'll also be taking about how to use them effectively.
I'll go into a bit of teaching theory, Dreyfus model, Lmode vs Rmode thinking, what it takes to become an expert at something and why coders of different skills have different needs and work differently.
My (possibly) controversial view is that reliance on frameworks and how they are typically used stops developers (especially those starting out) gaining real experience and skills.
I want to thank RMAUG (Rocky Mountain Adobe Users Group) for organising the unconference and for letting me speak.
I've not been to Denver before and looking forward to seeing the sights and catching up with everyone. See you at 360|Flex.