Making an Arduino web server in under 3 minutes at Web Jam 11

Web Jam 11 was great fun and lots of interesting rants and presentations. Good to see two Arduino presentations but my talk on making an Arduino web server from scratch was the only one to show code the entire evening! Here's the code:


A Practical Guide to Connecting Hardware to the Web (Edge of the Web)

Here is the code and a pdf of the slides of my talk on connecting hardware to the internet at Edge of the Web in Perth. Edge of the Web was a fantastic conference with amazing speakers and I'll be there (fingers crossed) speaking at it again next year.

Flex code for the LED Shield, Funnel IO light and temperature real time graph, Ethernet Shield and Pachube demos.

Arduino code for the demos and a few extras.

Download a PDF of my talk (3.0 Mb) or view on slide share.

Any questions on my talk just comment below or email me.

Connecting Hardware to Flex (360MAX)

Here is the code and a pdf of the slides of my talk on connecting hardware to flex at 360MAX. This was an udated verison of my talk at WebDU.

Code for Arduno LED Shield and Funnel IO light and temperature real time graph.

Download a PDF of my talk (3.1 Mb) or view on slide share.

Any questions on my talk just comment below or email me.

A Practical Guide to Connecting Hardware to Flex

Here is the code and a pdf of the slides of my talk on connecting hardware to flex at WebDU

Code for Arduno LED Shield and Funnel IO light and temperature real time graph.

Download a PDF of my talk (1.9 Mb) or view on slide share.

Any questions on my talk just comment below or email me.

Speaking at WebDU

Later this week I'll be speaking at the WebDU conference in Sydney Australia.

A practical guide to connecting hardware to Flex

This session will look at the revolution in low cost easy to program embedded computing. We will focus on the arduino open source hardware and software platform and zigbee network modules and how both of these can be easily connected up to Flex.

You can find out more here.

After the talk I will be posting my slides and the code on this blog.

ColdFusion and Daylight Savings Time

ColdFusion has a large number of date functions but not one to see if a past or future date occurs when daylight savings is in effect. However it is possible to find this out using a little Java code.


Web Designer Required in Sydney Australia

A project I'm involved with has need for a web designer.


Experienced Flex / ColdFusion Developer Available

My current projects are coming to a close and I'm available from the last week of February onwards for 4 days a week. Anyone out there that could use my skills?

I have 10+ years CF experience, 5+ years Flash experience and 2+ years of Flex experience (inc commercial Flex 3 apps).

I'm a Adobe premium partner, an Adobe certified instructor and an Adobe certified developer in Flex, Flash and ColdFusion.

For more info see my linked in page:

Flex Better Sliders

I find that the default sliders have a few minor usability issues a) the thumb is too small and b) the hit area of the the thumb is too small. Perhaps I just need new glasses or a bigger screen?

You could skin a slider and change the thumb graphic but it's just as easy to fix with a little actionscript.


Flex Type Ahead List Boxes

When a user types a character the default behaviour of a list box is to jump to the first item that starts with that character. This is fine for small lists but for a long list of items it's not very useful. A better solution would be if the list box remembered what the user typed and keep looking for matches on the second character, the third character, etc etc.


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